Support Category

Table of Contents

  1. Contents of Support
    1. Networking (Networking Questions and Answers)


Articles for use by support personnel.

Authorize.Net Response Codes

Authorize.Net returns a Response Code and Error Code with each request. Often the tables below will offer more detail than the Error Text that is returned.

(The information below is also available in PDF form at the end of this article.)

Where To Find the Codes?

In the EPG log, a line such as this will be logged:
10:03:52,577 INFO AuthNet: Response: Code=2 Reason=#2 "This transaction has been declined.", Auth Code=, Trans ID=2808425044

Response Codes:

  1                 This transaction has been approved.
  2                 This transaction has been declined.
  3                 There has been an error processing this transaction.
  4                 This transaction is being held for review.

Response and Error Codes:

 RESPONSE       RESPONSE          REASON TEXT                             NOTES
 CODE            ERROR
 1               1               This transaction has been
 2               2               This transaction has been
 2               3               This transaction has been          This code indicates a referral response.
 2               4               This transaction has been          The code returned from the processor indicating
                                 declined.                          that the card used needs to be picked up.
 3               5               A valid amount is required.        The value submitted in the amount field did not
                                                                    pass validation for a number.
 3               6               The credit card number is invalid.
 3               7               The credit card expiration date is The format of the date submitted was incorrect.
 3               8               The credit card has expired.
 3               9               This reason code is reserved or
                                 not applicable to this API.
 3               10              This reason code is reserved or
                                 not applicable to this API.
 3               11          A duplicate transaction has been    A transaction with identical amount and credit
                             submitted.                          card information was submitted two minutes
 3               12          An authorization code is required   A transaction that required x_auth_code to be
                             but not present.                    present was submitted without a value.
 3               13          The merchant API login ID is
                             invalid or the account is inactive.
 3               14          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               15          The transaction ID is invalid.      The transaction ID value is non-numeric or was
                                                                 not present for a transaction that requires it (i.e.,
                                                                 VOID, PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE, and CREDIT).
 3               16          The transaction was not found.      The transaction ID sent in was properly formatted
                                                                 but the gateway had no record of the transaction.
 3               17          The merchant does not accept        The merchant was not configured to accept the
                             this type of credit card.           credit card submitted in the transaction.
 3               18          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               19          An error occurred during
                             processing. Please try again in 5
 3               20          An error occurred during
                             processing. Please try again in 5
 3               21          An error occurred during
                             processing. Please try again in 5
 3               22          An error occurred during
                             processing. Please try again in 5
 3               23          An error occurred during
                             processing. Please try again in 5
 3               24          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               25          An error occurred during
                             processing. Please try again in 5
 3               26          An error occurred during
                             processing. Please try again in 5
 2               27          The transaction resulted in an
                             AVS mismatch. The address
                             provided does not match billing
                             address of cardholder.
 2               28          The merchant does not accept        The Merchant ID at the processor was not
                             this type of credit card.           configured to accept this card type.
 2               29          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 2               30          The configuration with the
                             processor is invalid. Call
                             Merchant Service Provider.
 2               31          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               32          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
3               33          FIELD cannot be left blank.           The word FIELD will be replaced by an actual
                                                                   field name. This error indicates that a field the
                                                                   merchant specified as required was not filled in.
 2               34          The VITAL identification numbers      The merchant was incorrectly set up at the
                             are incorrect. Call Merchant          processor.
                             Service Provider.
 2               35          An error occurred during              The merchant was incorrectly set up at the
                             processing. Call Merchant Service     processor.
 3               36          The authorization was approved,
                             but settlement failed.
 2               37          The credit card number is invalid.
 2               38          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               39          The supplied currency code is
                             either invalid, not supported, not
                             allowed for this merchant or
                             doesn’t have an exchange rate.
 3               40          This transaction must be
 2               41          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               42          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               43          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 2               44          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 2               45          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               46          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               47          The amount requested for              This occurs if the merchant tries to capture funds
                             settlement may not be greater         greater than the amount of the original
                             than the original amount              authorization-only transaction.
 3               48          This processor does not accept        The merchant attempted to settle for less than
                             partial reversals.                    the originally authorized amount.
 3               49          A transaction amount greater than     The transaction amount submitted was greater
                             $[amount] will not be accepted.       than the maximum amount allowed.
 3               50          This transaction is awaiting          Credits or refunds may only be performed
                             settlement and cannot be              against settled transactions. The transaction
                             refunded.                             against which the credit/refund was submitted
                                                                   has not been settled, so a credit cannot be
 3               51          The sum of all credits against this
                             transaction is greater than the
                             original transaction amount.
 3               52          The transaction was authorized,
                             but the client could not be notified;
                             the transaction will not be settled.
 3               53          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               54          The referenced transaction does
                             not meet the criteria for issuing a
3               55          The sum of credits against the     The transaction is rejected if the sum of this
                             referenced transaction would       credit and prior credits exceeds the original debit
                             exceed the original debit amount.  amount.
 3               56          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               57          An error occurred in processing.
                             Please try again in 5 minutes.
 3               58          An error occurred in processing.
                             Please try again in 5 minutes.
 3               59          An error occurred in processing.
                             Please try again in 5 minutes.
 3               60          An error occurred in processing.
                             Please try again in 5 minutes.
 3               61          An error occurred in processing.
                             Please try again in 5 minutes.
 3               62          An error occurred in processing.
                             Please try again in 5 minutes.
 3               63          An error occurred in processing.
                             Please try again in 5 minutes.
 3               64          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 2               65          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               66          This transaction cannot be         The transaction did not meet gateway security
                             accepted for processing.           guidelines.
 3               67          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               68          The version parameter is invalid.  The value submitted in x_cpversion was invalid.
 3               69          The transaction type is invalid.   The value submitted in x_type was invalid.
 3               70          The transaction method is invalid. The value submitted in x_method was invalid.
 3               71          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               72          The authorization code is invalid. The value submitted in x_auth_code was more
                                                                than six characters in length.
 3               73          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               74          The duty amount is invalid.        The value submitted in x_duty failed format
 3               75          The freight amount is invalid.     The value submitted in x_freight failed format
 3               76          The tax amount is invalid.         The value submitted in x_tax failed format
 3               77          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               78          The Card Code                      The value submitted in x_card_code failed format
                             (CVV2/CVC2/CID) is invalid.        validation.
 3               79          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               80          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               81          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               82          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               83          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               84          The device type is invalid.          The value submitted in x_device_type did not
                                                                  match the configured value.
 3               85          The market type is invalid.          The value submitted in x_market_type did not
                                                                  match the configured value.
 3               86          The response format is invalid.      The value submitted in x_response_format was
                                                                  not equal to “0” or “1.”
 3               87          This market type is not supported.
 3               88          The Track1 data is invalid.
 3               89          The Track2 data is invalid.
 3               90          ACH transactions cannot be           ACH transactions cannot be processed by the
                             processed.                           card-present system.
 3               91          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               92          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               93          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               94          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               95          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               96          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               97          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               98          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               99          This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               100         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               101         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               102         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               103         This transaction cannot be           A valid fingerprint, transaction key, or password
                             accepted.                            is required for this transaction.
 3               104         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               105         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               106         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               107         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               108         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               109         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               110         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 3               111         A valid billing country is required. This code is applicable to Wells Fargo
                                                                  SecureSource merchants only.
 3               112         A valid billing state/province is    This code is applicable to Wells Fargo
                             required.                             SecureSourceSM merchants only.
 3               120         An error occurred during              The system-generated void for the original timed-
                             processing. Please try again.         out transaction failed. (The original transaction
                                                                   timed out while waiting for a response from the
 3               121         An error occurred during              The system-generated void for the original
                             processing. Please try again.         errored transaction failed. (The original
                                                                   transaction experienced a database error.)
 3               122         An error occurred during              The system-generated void for the original
                             processing. Please try again.         errored transaction failed. (The original
                                                                   transaction experienced a processing error.)
 3               123         This account has not been             The transaction request must include the
                             given the permission(s)               API login ID associated with the payment
                             required for this request.            gateway account.
 2               127         The transaction resulted in an        The system-generated void for the original AVS-
                             AVS mismatch. The address             rejected transaction failed.
                             provided does not match billing
                             address of cardholder.
 3               128         This transaction cannot be            The customer’s financial institution does not
                             processed.                            currently allow transactions for this account.
 3               130         This payment gateway account          IFT: The payment gateway account status is
                             has been closed.                      Blacklisted.
 3               131         This transaction cannot be            IFT: The payment gateway account status is
                             accepted at this time.                Suspended-STA.
 3               132         This transaction cannot be            IFT: The payment gateway account status is
                             accepted at this time.                Suspended-Blacklist.
 2               141         This transaction has been             The system-generated void for the original
                             declined.                             FraudScreen-rejected transaction failed.
 2               145         This transaction has been             The system-generated void for the original card
                             declined.                             code-rejected and AVS-rejected transaction
 3               152         The transaction was authorized,       The system-generated void for the original
                             but the client could not be notified; transaction failed. The response for the original
                             the transaction will not be settled. transaction could not be communicated to the
 2               165         This transaction has been             The system-generated void for the original card
                             declined.                             code-rejected transaction failed.
 3               170         An error occurred during              Concord EFS – Provisioning at the processor
                             processing. Please contact the        has not been completed.
 2               171         An error occurred during              Concord EFS – This request is invalid.
                             processing. Please contact the
 2               172         An error occurred during              Concord EFS – The store ID is invalid.
                             processing. Please contact the
 3               173         An error occurred during              Concord EFS – The store key is invalid.
                             processing. Please contact the
 2               174         The transaction type is invalid.      Concord EFS – This transaction type is not
                             Please contact the merchant.          accepted by the processor.
 3               175         The processor does not allow          Concord EFS – This transaction is not allowed.
                             voiding of credits.                   The Concord EFS processing platform does not
                                                                   support voiding credit transactions. Please debit
                                                                   the credit card instead of voiding the credit.
 3               180         An error occurred during              The processor response format is invalid.
                             processing. Please try again.
 3               181         An error occurred during        The system-generated void for the original invalid
                             processing. Please try again.   transaction failed. (The original transaction
                                                             included an invalid processor response format.)
 3               185         This transaction cannot be      Merchant is not configured for VPOS.
 4               193         This reason code is reserved or
                             not applicable to this API.
 2               201         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The expiration date is invalid.
 2               202         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The transaction type is invalid.
 2               203         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The value submitted in the amount
                                                             field is invalid.
 2               204         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The department code is invalid.
 2               205         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The value submitted in the
                                                             merchant number field is invalid.
 2               206         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The merchant is not on file.
 2               207         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The merchant account is closed.
 2               208         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The merchant is not on file.
 2               209         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. Communication with the processor
                                                             could not be established.
 2               210         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The merchant type is incorrect.
 2               211         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The cardholder is not on file.
 2               212         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The bank configuration is not on
 2               213         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The merchant assessment code is
 2               214         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. This function is currently
 2               215         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The encrypted PIN field format is
 2               216         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The ATM term ID is invalid.
 2               217         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. This transaction experienced a
                                                             general message format problem.
 2               218         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The PIN block format or PIN
                                                             availability value is invalid.
 2               219         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                             declined.                       FDC Omaha. The ETC void is unmatched.
 2               220         This transaction has been       This error code applies only to merchants on
                               declined.                          FDC Omaha. The primary CPU is not available.
 2               221           This transaction has been          This error code applies only to merchants on
                               declined.                          FDC Omaha. The SE number is invalid.
 2               222           This transaction has been          This error code applies only to merchants on
                               declined.                          FDC Omaha. Duplicate auth request (from
 2               223           This transaction has been          This error code applies only to merchants on
                               declined.                          FDC Omaha. This transaction experienced an
                                                                  unspecified error.
 2               224           This transaction has been          This error code applies only to merchants on
                               declined.                          FDC Omaha. Please re-enter the transaction.
 3               270           The line item [item number] is     A value submitted in x_line_item for the item
                               invalid.                           referenced is invalid.
 3               271           The number of line items           The number of line items submitted in
                               submitted is not allowed. A        x_line_item exceeds the allowed maximum of 30.
                               maximum of 30 line items can be
 2               315           The credit card number is invalid. This is a processor-issued decline.
 2               316           The credit card expiration date is This is a processor-issued decline.
 2               317           The credit card has expired.       This is a processor-issued decline.
 2               318           A duplicate transaction has been   This is a processor-issued decline.
 2               319           The transaction cannot be found.   This is a processor-issued decline.

Adam Fanello

Configuring WashMax EPG Reports

Reports provided to EPG from a payment processor (currently only Radiant Epsilon) are accessible from customers account, but you have to link each site on WashMax to the Site Server holding the report.


  1. Login to using the super- variant of the customer's login.
  2. Click on the Management tab.
  3. Click the Edit button next to the site to link.
  4. On the bottom left of the Site Setup screen, ensure that the Entry Device Model selection is correct and ends with "EPG".
  5. Near the bottom right , find the field Electronic Payment Gateway address.
  6. Enter the full domain qualified name or IP address of the Site Server hosting the EPG instance to link to.
Repeat for each site.


Click the Reports tab, and then Payment Processor Reports below that. Each site should be listed. Select each one and verify that content can be pulled. (The Site Server must be online to access content from it.)
Adam Fanello

Disable Windows Update

If Windows Update is interfering with operation, it can be disabled by ssh'ing into the device and executing the commands:
sc config wuauserv start= disabled
sc stop wuauserv
regtool set '\machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\UpdatesDisableNotify' 1
This will not only disable updates, but also prevents nagging pop-ups complaining about Windows Update being disabled.

Note: This change technically takes the device out of PCI DSS compliance!

You might also disable other Security Center pop-up notifications:
regtool set '\machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\AntiVirusDisableNotify' 1
regtool set '\machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\FirewallDisableNotify' 1
Adam Fanello

How to add owner or manager Windows account to a Site Server

Some car wash owners or store managers want to have their own administrator account on a Site Server, for their own PCI DSS needs. This is permitted upon request.

You can create such an account by either through the Windows UI, or on the command line via ssh.
(This can also be done on an Activa.)

Creating user account with Windows UI:

While logged in as the Administrator user:
  1. Click the Start menu and then click "Control Panel".
  2. Double click on "User Accounts".
  3. Click the "Create a new account" link.
  4. Enter a name for the account, such as "owner", and click the "Next" button.
  5. Select "Computer administrator", if not already, and then click the "Create Account" button.
  6. Click on the new account name.
  7. Click the "Charge the password" link.
  8. Have the owner or manager enter the password and password hint, and then click the "Change Password" button.  The password must be at least seven characters long, and contain at least three of the four classes of characters: lower case letters, upper case letters, digits, and symbols.
  9. Close the windows.

Creating user account on Command-Line:

While logged into Command prompt, Cygwin, or via ssh as the Administrator user, enter:
net user owner 'ChangeMe!' /ADD
net localgroup administrators owner /ADD
The user name owner may be different if desired. The password may be different, but must be at least seven characters long, and contain at least three of the four classes of characters: lower case letters, upper case letters, digits, and symbols.
Adam Fanello

How to adjust Activa display brightness and contrast

  1. Exit the application, to the O/S.
  2. Right click on the Intel Extreme Graphics icon on the task bar. (Blue trapezoid on the far right.)
  3. Click on Graphics Properties.
  4. Click on the Color Correction tab.
  5. Adjust the settings as desired, clicking the Apply button to see the result.
  6. Click OK when done.
Adam Fanello

How to clear a stuck Belanger alert

Most alerts from the Balanger car wash can be cleared by simulating the clear button being pressed on the controller.

Log into the edge with the intelio account and enter:

  echo "AlertEvent input=255 sourcePrefix=belanger.fault" | script/

That final command (s status) will show the application status, including any alerts that remain.

How To Configure a Windows Computer for Remote Management


Some select Intelio partners are granted limited access to Intelio support capabilities. These include the Support Operations Center and remote management of Activas (teller nodes), Site Controllers (caw nodes), and Site Servers (sserv nodes) through the Intelio VPN using VNC.

These instructions describe how to configure a Windows XP or Windows Vista computer for access to these systems.

Software Setup

VPN Setup

Download and install the latest release from Select the Windows Service option during installation if you want the computer to be connected to the VPN all the time.

You will have received a VPN key zip file from Intelio. Double-click on this file, and the folder inside of it to show the files. Copy all of the files to C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\

Use OpenVPN GUI to start the VPN. (Must run as Administrator in Windows Vista and Windows 7.)  [Details needed.]

VNC Setup

Download and install the RealVNC from RealVNC's website. (Any other VNC client may also be used, but .bat file for VNC links would need to be modified.) You do not need to install or setup the VNC Server component; only the viewer is necessary.

If you are using RealVNC and wish to be able to click on web links to launch VNC Viewer, then download the .zip file for your O/S version attached to the end of this article:
  1. Copy all the files in the .zip to the C:\Program Files\RealVNC\ folder on your computer
  2. Double-click on  Register-VNC-protocol.reg to register the VNC protocol handler.

Support Operations Center

Open your preferred web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer) and enter the Address: Add this page to your favorites (bookmark it).

Use the login name and password provided to you. If this is your first time logging in, the system will ask you to set a permanent password.

On each site's Status page, the Network block will have a VNC link for the teller, caw, and sserv nodes. Click on this link and enter the password when prompted. You will see the same thing that is showing on the local screen (although not as colorful). Any action that you take will be seen on the site.

VNC Tips

To disconnect, simply close the VNC window. The remote computer will continue running as you left it.
Adam Fanello

How to Register a Jabber/XMMP account.

First step, download the free chat program called Pidgin. It works on Windows,Linux and MAC. The great thing about Pidgin is that it also works with Yahoo Chat and MSN Messenger so you can login to many chat systems at the same time.

Download - Windows -

After you have installed Pidgin, launch the program and go to the following option on the main menu: Accounts > Add/Edit. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-a to add a new chat account.

Here is what the screen looks like in Linux:

The important settings are:
Protocol: XMPP (same as "Jabber")
Screen name: [you choose]
Resource: n/a
Password: [you choose]
Create this new account on the server? [check this box]

After you click the "Save" button. Within a few seconds you should get a message like the one below confirming that you want to create the Jabber account:

Click the "Register" button to confirm, and you should see a message like the following one:

How to reset VNC password

If VNCing into a remote Windows computer fails due to bad authentication, then someone may have changed the password.

Regaining remote access. (AKA, Hacking VNC)

If you can't VNC in but can ssh, then you're set. SSH into the computer and then run the following commands to turn off authentication and restart VNC Server:

regtool set '\machine\SOFTWARE\RealVNC\WinVNC4\SecurityTypes' None
net stop WinVNC4
net start WinVNC4

Now VNC in; you will not be prompted for a password.

Resetting the password

  1. Press the Windows key to pop up the toolbar.
  2. Right-click on the VNC icon in the tools bar.
  3. Select Options... on the pop-up menu.
  4. Select VNC Password Authentication (if not already selected)
  5. Click on the Configure button.
  6. Enter the new password in both fields.
  7. Click the OK button.
  8. Click the OK button.
Adam Fanello


Networking Questions and Answers

Activa or CAW not using VPN DNS

Under some circumstances Microsoft Windows will continue to use your primary connection's DNS server. This is first noticeable when the teller or caw is online, but not reporting to the SOC.  From the command-line, run ping soc to see what it is resolving to. If it does not resolve to the correct server, then follow the directions below to force it to use the Intelio VPN's DNS server.

Correct VPN DNS IP addresses for each VPN segment:


  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Double-click on Network Connections.
  3. Right-click on Intelio VPN.
  4. Left-click on Properties.
  5. Scroll Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), left-click it, then click on the Properties button.
  6. Click the radio button next to Use the following DNS server addresses.
  7. Enter the IP address from the table above into the Preferred DNS server field.
  8. Click the OK button, click the next OK button, and close the Network Connections window.
The effect should be immediate.
Adam Fanello

Internet Service Q&A

Intelio products and services require an always-on secure connection to the Internet from your car wash locations. There are several options, and this article provides some guidance in the form of questions and answers.

Why is Internet access required?

The Internet connection is used to:

Is it secure?

Yes! Each Intelio provided computer has a unique key that it uses to connect to our Virtual Private Network (VPN) over an encrypted connection. Each system can only communicate with our servers, which are also secured, and not other locations. Our servers and network meets or exceeds all PCI requirements.

Please see the WashMax PCI Implementation Guide for details on how to implement your car wash site in a secure, compliant way.

Can I use a DSL connection?

Yes, this is the most popular option. Any speed DSL line will do, although a faster connection will allow for quicker software updates and technical support. The line may be "dry", meaning that it only includes Internet access and not a phone line.

Make sure that you receive or buy a quality DSL modem. Some low-end modems are not reliable and you'll find yourself frequently having to reset them to restore service. You do not need a static IP address, although there is no harm if that is the only option. Whether dynamic or static though, the public IP may only be held by the router and not be assigned to equipment. PCI-DSS compliance requires that a hardware firewall be used, including placing of all devices on a Local Area Network (LAN) behind a router.

Can I use a cable connection?

Yes, this is an excellent option due to it's high bandwidth and reliability. You do not need any special options like a business line or static IPs. However, you must add a network router behind the cable modem to provide a secure Local Area Network (LAN) for the equipment.

Can I use a satellite connection?

Yes, although this is not the optimal choice. Satellite Internet has a high latency and low upstream bandwidth, which makes for slow credit card processing and technical support services. Satellite dishes are also easily knocked out of alignment by weather, causing loss of service. That said, several Intelio customers do successfully use satellite services 

Can I use Hughes Satellite service?

Hughes Satellite internet services block Intelio's VPN, and so have to be dealt with differently. Instead of the Intelio equipment connecting to Intelio's network, our servers must connect to your Hughes provided network. This requires that you provide Intelio with a special network client hardware device (similar to the one in your stores) to be installed in our server farm. Due to the complexity, overhead, and cost of this solution, it is subject to a minimum order with Intelio. Please consult with your sales representative.

Can I use a cellular data connection?

Yes, although it is sometimes tricky to make it work reliably. You must use a cellular router, which provides a Local Area Connection (LAN) behind the cellular data connection. A simple USB device intended for a single computer is not acceptable, as it does not provide a hardware firewall (routers have built-in firewalls). A cellular hot-spot (Wi-Fi) is also unacceptable due to weaker security of Wi-Fi.

That said, a cellular data router, in a location with a strong signal and an unlimited data plan, is a workable option. If you suffer from frequent loss of service or long credit card authorization delays, you may need to explore another option. Technical support may also be a frustrating experience due to the low bandwidth of most cellular plans.

Can I use a dial-up connection?

Although Intelio strongly recommends a broadband (DSL or cable) connection, this is simply not available in some rural locations. What is truly required is an always-on connection that multiple systems can use (router) and firewall. This can be achieved with a dial-up connection (still available throughout the U.S. from Earthlink, AT&T, and a few others) and a 3Com OfficeConnect 56k LAN Modem (model 3C886A-US). Other hardware may also be available, but this 3Com model is known to work with Intelio's network.

Can I share my Internet connection with other equipment?

Yes, but please make sure that you have sufficient bandwidth with your service to run all the equipment that you have on it, and ensure that you are not compromising the security of your network. Sharing with the store manager's office computer is generally fine, as this system is physically secure and bandwidth use is low. Sharing with a public Wi-Fi for customers is not an option, as this compromises the security of your network and makes it not PCI-DSS compliant.

A popular device, which sometimes causes trouble, is a video security system. These are also called DVRs, although unlike the DVR on your home TV, it records from security cameras. These can share an Internet connection with Intelio equipment, provided that you have a high-bandwidth connection. Often times people will stream video from a store's DVR over a low-speed DSL connection. This will use up all available bandwidth leaving nothing for your car wash operations. Tips:

Adam Fanello

Updating Distributor VPN key with IP for new Data Center

Intelio has moved servers to a new data center. In order to connect to the Intelio VPN, you must modify the key on your computer.

Short instructions:

Edit the file C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\*.ovpn. Find and change it to

Long instructions:
  1. Click on the START button and then click My Computer.
  2. Double-click on the C: drive.
  3. Double-click on the Program Files folder.
  4. Double-click on the OpenVPN folder.
  5. Double-click on the config folder.
  6. Right-click on the file OpenVPN Config File (your name.ovpn)
    1. Select Open With...
    2. Click on WordPad.
      1. If WordPad isn't shown, click on Choose Program and select WordPad from there.
  7. On the 7th line, you'll find the line starting with "remote".
    1. Change the numbers to Leave "remote" and the number at the end of the line in place.
  8. Close WordPad and save the change.
Restart your OpenVPN connection. On some systems, you may need to reboot your computer.
Note for Windows Vista/7:

You may not be able to save the changes in place with WordPad. In this case, drag the *.ovpn file to the desktop, edit it there, and then drag it back to the OpenVPN\config folder.
Adam Fanello

Updating node VPN key with IP for new Data Center

Intelio moved servers to a new data center on July 11, 2011. Any system that was offline for the few days leading up to the migration does not have the new IP needed to connect to the Intelio VPN, you must modify by someone on site.

Short instructions:

Edit the file C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\*.ovpn. Find and change it to

Long instructions:

  1. Click on the START button and then click My Computer.
  2. Double-click on the C: drive.
  3. Double-click on the Program Files folder.
  4. Double-click on the OpenVPN folder.
  5. Double-click on the config folder.
  6. Right-click on the file OpenVPN Config File (<node name>.ovpn or <node-type>_configme.ovpn)
    1. Select Open With...
    2. Click on WordPad.
      1. If WordPad isn't shown, click on Choose Program and select WordPad from there.
  7. On the 7th line, you'll find the line starting with "remote".
    1. Change the numbers to Leave "remote" and the number at the end of the line in place.
  8. Close WordPad and save the change.
Restart the OpenVPN connection by rebooting or restarting the Windows Service.

To restart the OpenVPN service:
  1. Click on the START button and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double click on Administration Tools.
  3. Double click on Services.
  4. Scroll down and click on the OpenVPN Service line.
  5. Click the Restart button on the control panel. (Looks like a square followed by a triangle.)
Adam Fanello

What IP and port do I need to allow my firewall to route for Intelio products?

All Intelio products deployed to customer sites communicate with Intelio servers via a VPN tunneled through the Internet. In order to do this, they need to be connected to an IP network that has access to the VPN server. The connection is always established from the car wash site to the VPN server; no inbound connections are used.

Simply put, the car wash site's network needs access to:
Additionally, sites that use Intelio to process credit cards need to have access to the credit card processing gateway or host. The most common gateway is Authorize.Net. In this case, the network also needs access to:

More Details:

Source: Intelio node
Port: 2372
Protocol: UDP
Reason: OpenVPN connection for 172.18.x.x network.

Source: Intelio node
Port: 2373
Protocol: UDP
Reason: OpenVPN connection for 172.19.x.x network.

Source: Intelio node
Port: 2374
Protocol: UDP
Reason: OpenVPN connection for initial configuration (172.30.x.x)

Source: Intelio node
Port: 2375
Protocol: UDP
Reason: OpenVPN connection for 10.0.x.x network. (For customers that use a 172.x.x.x network internally.)

Source: Intelio node
Destination: Credit Card Authorizer - for
Port: 443
Protocol: SSL/HTTP (aka:https)
Reason: Processing credit cards.

Adam Fanello

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