Application Configuration Category

Table of Contents

  1. Contents of Application Configuration

Application Configuration

How to configure the applications that run on Site Servers and Controllers.

EPG Installation and User Manual


The Electronic Payment Gateway (EPG) is a program that runs on a Site Server (sserv7 image) and handles the interfaces with tellers and payment processors. It also reports status of these tellers and Ryko car washes on the General Intelio Interoperability Protocol (GIIP) for systems that wish to monitor and report activity.

Supported tellers:
Supported payment processors:
EPG is a replacement for non-PCI compliant EPI Server application.

Installation and Startup

EPG should operate on any Windows XP based system. However, it's only supported by Intelio as pre-installed on an Intelio Site Server. See the Application Configuration section at How to configure a new Site Server for details.

Taskbar Icon and Menu

When running, EPG has an icon in the Windows taskbar notification area that looks like this: 
Right click on it for a menu of windows and actions:

Status Window

The Electronic Payment Gateway Status window shows the current state of things in EPG. It may be brought up from the taskbar icon menu, or it may be displayed full screen on a Site Server that is configured solely as a Payment Gateway system (via CAW Booter configuration profile).

Items that may be appear in the status:
The following buttons may also be available:
When a Site Server is configured as a Payment Gateway, EPG runs with the Status Window full screen and adds buttons to Exit to Boot Aplication, Reboot Server, and Shutdown Server. It also displays the program version and copyright.

Settings Window

The EPG Settings window provides an interface to configure options, interfaces, and payment processing. Each area of configuration appears as a separate tab, each of which is detailed below. If the OK button is clicked, your changes are saved and EPG exits. On a Site Server, the boot application will automatically launch a new instance running the new configuration.

General Settings

This tab contains settings that are not tied to a particular interface.

Authorize.Net Settings

Authorize.Net is an online credit card processor gateway. A merchant account must be setup by your provider (not Intelio). The Authorize.Net account must be setup as Merchant Type "Retail". Device type should be set to Self-Service Terminal. Once the account is created, login to Authorize.Net, go to Settings, and generate an API login and transaction key.


EPI Settings

Electronic Payment Interface (EPI) is the protocol used to communicate with Ryko coinboxes and car washes, and Intelio tellers.


Epsilon Settings

Radiant Epsilon is credit and fleet card processor that is customized to each customer. The Epsilon service may be installed on the Site Server itself, or on a Radiant server on site. Contact your Intelio or Radiant sales representative for more information.


GIIP Settings

The lone field in this tab defines the port on which the General Intelio Interoperability Protocol (GIIP) server will listen for connection.
There is currently no reason to change this.

HTTP Settings

The lone field in this tab defines the port on which a basic HTTP server will listen for connection. This server is used to access reports provided to EPG from the Epsilon interface. To access the reports, login to, click on the Reports tab, and then Payment Processor Reports below that.

There is currently no reason to change this setting.

Unitec Settings

EPG can process payments for and monitor up to four Unitec Wash Select II bays at a single site. The interface in a Wash Select II is serial, so a serial device server is installed within the teller to provide an Ethernet interface. Enter the IP address and listening port for the TCP Server for each bay you wish to connect to.

Configuring the Serial Device Server

A serial device server must be connected to the site's IP network or directly to the Site Server via an Auxiliary Connection and a cross-over cable. Configured the device to:
If using a Moxa nPort serial device server, a search utility from Moxa is pre-installed on the Site Server. Find it in the Start / All Programs menu and use it to configure the Moxa(s).

Configuring the Wash Select II

The Wash Select II (WSII) must be configured to communicate correctly with EPG. Open the teller and flip the toggle switch on top of the motherboard to Setup mode. (Refer to your WSII Operations Manual, "Setup and Operate Modes".)  Use thekey on the keypad to go backwards in a menu and also to answer Yes. Use the 3 key to go forward and to answer No. The * key is used for selection, or as an Enter key.
Now flip the motherboard toggle switch back to Operation mode.

WashMax Reports

Reports provided to EPG from the Epsilon interface are accessible from your account. To access the reports, login to, click on the Reports tab, and then Payment Processor Reports below that. If your site does not appear there, contact Intelio Customer Support at 800-874-6099 to have it enabled.

(Instructions for Intelio Customer Support: Configure WashMax EPG Reports.)
Adam Fanello

How to setup RykoNet over IP


The Activa Virtual Attendant and Site Controller communicate with each other over over a protocol known as RykoNet. This software protocol can be physically transmitted Echelon or Ethernet (IP). At a site running a Ryko car wash, Echelon is typically used because that is the only connection possible with the Ryko car washes. (A mixed environment is possible, but unusual.)

For site with car washes from all other manufacturers, RykoNet over IP is the physical transmission method of choice.

Choose the RykoNet Server Computer

One of the computers, either the Virtual Attendant or the Site Controller, must be select to be the server computer. This choice is not trivial, as the server computer becomes a single point of failure for RykoNet. That is, if that one computer is offline, then no other device using it as the server can communicate via RykoNet. Use the following decision table to make a choice.

Server Computer
Does the site have just one Virtual Attendant and one Site Controller using RykoNet? Site Controller
Does the site have a Ryko car wash, and you need to use RykoNet over IP? Virtual Attendant
Does the site use the Intelio gate system? Site Controller
Does the site have multiple car wash bays? Site Controller

Set Static IP on the server

The server computer must be assigned a static IP address on the LAN.

Selecting a Static IP

  1. If the site's network is actively managed by the operator, then request an IP address to use.
  2. Check the router's DHCP settings. Choose an IP in the same subnet but outside of the range used by DHCP.
  3. Do not assign the computer to statically use the IP that it was given dynamically! The router could give that IP to another device, resulting in a conflict.
  4. Ping the IP that you plan to use, to ensure that nothing is already there.

Setting a Static IP on Windows XP

Ao the selected server computer:
  1. Bring up the Control Panel.
  2. Double click on Network Connections.
  3. Scroll the window sideways and identify the connection with a Device Name of RealTec.
  4. Right-click on the connection and select Properties.
  5. Scroll down on the item list to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and double-click on it.
  6. Click on the bubble to the left of Use the following IP address.
  7. Fill in the IP address (which you choose), Subnet mask (usually, and Default gateway (the nearest router).
  8. Fill in the Preferred DNS server. Use the router address again if you don't know of any other.
  9. Click on the OK button. (If you are running this remotely, you will be disconnect and need to VNC back in after some delay.)
  10. Click on the next OK button.

Configure the non-server device

If you selected the Site Controller as the server computer, then the Activa must now be configured to use it as the server. See the next section.
Otherwise, the section after the next describes how to configure the Site Controller to use the Virtual Attendant as the server.

Configure the Activa Virtual Attendant to use the Site Controller as the server

Configure the Site Controller to use the Virtual Attendant as the server

Configuring the Site Controller requires changes in three places, including editing files on the file system. It is not for the non-technical.
Adam Fanello

Select VMware Server Bridged Network Adapter

When setting up an edge VM to bridge to the physical network, you usually only need to configure eth1 on the edge and VMware on the host will automatically select the correct adapter to bridge to the uplink. This works best if the uplink is working before you start the edge. If not, VMware may choose the wrong adapter to bridge.

You can manually tell VMware which adapter to use by following these steps:

Run the Manage Virtual Networks program.

If running under the LocalTerminal account (or other non-administrator account), you must run this application as Administrator by right-clicking on "Manage Virtual Networks" and selecting "Run As"

... and then select "The following user:". Make sure the local Administrator account is selected, enter the password, and click OK.

Now click to the "Automatic Bridging" tab and uncheck it.

On the "Host Virtual Networking Mapping" tab, drop down the list for VMnet0 and select the adapter that provides the uplink. You can cross-reference this on the Control Panel / Network Connections window. In the example below, it's the Realtek Gigabit. On Sys6 and Sys7 Site Servers, it'll be the only Intel adapter.

Click OK, and you're done.

Adam Fanello

Update Manager Usage Manual

Intelio provides software updates to Site Servers and Activas on its network through its own system specially designed for the Intelio and Ryko products and network. The Intelio Support Scripts running on each device automatically download these updates and can install them during Windows shutdown or reboot. On the Site Server, this behavior can be monitored and controlled through the Update Manager application.

Update Manager is launched by CAW Boot and appears in the taskbar. Normally the icon is , but when an update is waiting, it changes to .  Right-click on the icon to trigger a reboot, show the waiting updates, or configure update manager.

Update Processing Mode:
Fully Automated is recommended, as it ensures that the Site Server always installs the latest updates on a timely basis. Updates are automatically downloaded and installed upon the next reboot, as scheduled or sooner based on the urgency of the update.

When set to Manually Initated, updates are still automatically downloaded. Rare emergency security fixes may cause an immediate reboot and install, but normally updates will not install until manually initiated by right-clicking on the Update Manager icon and selecting the reboot option. This ensures that updates are only installed when someone is ready for them, and allows for the list of updates to be reviewed. However, it's important that someone remembers to follow this procedure and initiate the install & reboot at least once a month!

When set to Offline, updates are never downloaded or installed. When selected, the customer is taking responsibility for all application and operating system updates. Using this option may break PCI compliance and void the site's support contract.

Updates Provider:
Select the provider of your updates. Intelio Site Server default to Intelio, while Ryko devices default to Ryko.

Auto-Reboot Schedule:
Setting a reboot schedule is highly recommended when using Fully Automated processing, as it allows for the reboots to be scheduled during a known slow period. If disabled, a reboot will typically be triggered exactly eight days after the older pending update was downloaded, which could be during a busy time of day! Setting a weekly schedule is preferred.

Intelio recommends scheduling reboot every Tuesday at 2:30:00 AM.

Warn before reboot:
Before any automated reboot, whether scheduled or driven by pending updates, a warning will be displayed on the screen. This warning provides the option to delay the reboot for some time.
Adam Fanello

Use $1 Coins

To use $1 coins in the Activa coin dispenser, rather than quarters, you must change settings in two different places.

On the Activa,
  1. Login to Maintenance mode.
  2. Touch the System Setups button.
  3. Touch the Hardware Setups button.
  4. Touch the Coin Dispenser tab.
  5. Enter 1.00 in the Coin Value field.
  6. Touch Accept.
In the Code-a-Wash application on the Site Controller:
  1. Login to the Code-a-Wash application.
  2. Touch the Setup Menu button.
  3. Touch the Coinbox button.
  4. Touch the Currency tab.
  5. Set Change Value to 1.00.
Adam Fanello

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