Hardware Installation Category

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  1. Contents of Hardware Installation

Hardware Installation

How to install the Activa hardware.

Activa Multi-Gate System

Intelio offers a system whereby multiple gated Activas may lead to a single tunnel car wash, in order to increase the flow of cards into the tunnel.

File Attachments:
Adam Fanello

Activa Site Preparation and Pre-Installation Wiring

The attached drawings describe the proper positioning of Activa relative to the car wash bay, the site wiring required prior to Activa installation, and how that wiring is connected to Activa during the installation process.


Approved Wire and Uses

Ethernet (Internet) Wire

Run one Ethernet cable from the network access point (modem, router, switch...etc) to each Activa Virtual Attendant and to the Activa Site Controller.

Use shielded, Stranded CAT5e, any quality brand.

Activa Direct Wire

Activa Direct wire is used between the Activa Virtual Attendant terminals and the car wash PLC.

Use 18 gage shielded, stranded 10 conductor.

Echelon (RykoNet) Wire

Echelon wire is only used at sites with a Ryko car wash. It runs between each car wash PLC and its associated Activa Virtual Attendant, and then front either of those to the Site Controller.

Echelon wire is 18 gauge twisted pair. Only the following are approved for use:
Run wire to each Echelon device, and tie them together in one place using a terminal block or (for just a few wires) two wire caps.
Adam Fanello



The TGO2 printer is 12 volts DC not 24 Volts DC.

There is a crossover adapter sent with each printer.

This goes on CON 10. Unplug CON 10 from I/O and plug the cable

into the adapter then plug adapter into CON 10.

If the printer came through me then it has been set to 38400 baud already.
(If not see the note at bottom.)

Cut power,

On the OLD printer unplug and remove the door and printer. The plug can now be cut off. The “Normal” Wiring is a blue and black set of wires. The black is ground blue or purple is hot. (When I install them in a unit I do not use the pig tail I send with them)


Shut down Application, Go to Control Panel

Printers/Faxes. Right click on the FTP627 printer and remove
Make sure the custom Printer is default now. Make sure it is on Com 4 Right click the custom printer to properties, check the port setting and put on com 4 if not there already. Hit configure the port and set at 38400 Baud (New Image sets this already)

After installing the printer and changing the stuff in the control panel I reboot the system and it makes the printer work.

( Because it is the software in the program making the printer change, the app needs to run to print. )

Setting Baud on printer.

They come to us set at 9600 baud. To change this cut power, hold down BOTH buttons on the side of printer. Re connect power and it should start printing a little strip showing the baud . Hit the FEED button to enter set up then hit the report button 3 times. This should have got you to the 3800 baud. If not repeat the steps until 38400 is set. Then hit the feed button7 times this last one should have printed out a slip showing that the baud is now 38400.

(I leave one hanging on all printers I touch) After I have set it in control panel and printer I change in the system set up to be the CUSTOM printer. I then REBOOT and it all works.

When all set it should be:

Baud Rate: 38400 Data Bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 Parity: None Flow Control: XON/XOFF Print density: Normal Speed: High

Kevin Scott

Replacement Printer MSB-002

MSB-002 is an upgrade for replacement of the Activa printer with a Custom Engineering model TG02 printer.

Download the upgrade instructions below. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it.
Adam Fanello

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