How to setup Activa Frequency Code Introduction:The Activa has Marketing feature called "Frequency Code" that can generate (issue) a new code to a WashMax Marketing Flex Program and print it on a paper receipt. This is typically used to offer a discount to customers who return within a certain number of days for another wash. Because it leverages the power of WashMax Marketing though, there are other possibilities.Only Activas can issue codes, but the resulting code may be redeemed at any car wash with WashMax Market. Program Creation:The first step is to login to WashMax, click on Marketing and the Flex Programs. Create a Tracking or Prepaid Wash program as you normally would, or select an existing one. Do not create any keys, these will be generated from the Activa. (There's no harm if using an existing program that already has keys though.)Examples of what you can do:
Here's an screen shot of an existing program that donates a portion of purchase to the Red Cross. This picture will be referenced later. Configure the Activa(s):Each Activa that is to issue codes must be configured. Login to the Activa and select System Setups, and then Marketing Setup. Click the DISABLED button to toggle it to ENABLED.When you set up your WashMax Marketing program, there is a Program ID displayed in the top-right of the window. (See the screen shot above.) Touch the 123... button next to the Marketing Program ID, and enter the number. The display will look something like below: The other options are:
Touch the ENABLED button to toggle it to DISABLED any time to stop issuing codes. Alrady issued codes will continue to function. Code Issuance:The Activa will issue a code after printing a purchase receipt (if one is to be printed) and before arming the car wash. The Marketing Code receipt is separate from any purchase receipt. The customer must qualify for the code under the conditions mentioned earlier. The Activa must also have an active network connection to the central WashMax Server, as codes are fetched from the server in real time.Once issued, there is a short delay before the code may be redeemed. It will be available at all sites with active network connections within an hour. Since the purpose of Frequency Codes is to drive repeat business, this delay helps to ensure that the code is used on a later date. Code Redemption:Once issued, the code works just like any other WashMax Marketing code. The customer simply enters the code followed by a star, exactly as shown on the receipt, before making their purchase.Customers may redeem the code at any of your wash sites that the Flex Program is configured to function at. Note however that 8-digit codes cannot be entered at Unitec Wash Select II tellers; this is a limitation of the teller. Program Maintenance:As codes are issued and used or expired, they continue to exist in the Flex Program's database of keys on WashMax. This allows for Flex Program Reports to be run. However, if thousands of old codes accumulate, it can impact performance of your marketing programs because codes cannot be reissued so long as they exist in any program. For long running programs, it's beneficial to log into WashMax monthly and click the Delete Expired button on the bottom of the Keys page. (See first screen shot above.) Upon ending any promotion, use the Delete Expired button to free up the codes.Link: |