Activa Direct Wash Arming
Use Activa Direct arming to control the car wash through a direct wired connection to the Activa's I/O terminals. To Select Activa Direct:Log into the Activa using the technician login. (The owner login does not have access to modify this.)
Select Activa Direct as the Arming Option. This reveals four new settings to tune Activa Direct to your specific car wash interface. Out-Of-Service whenThe Out-Of-Service when setting defines what kind of signal from the car wash indicates that it is out of service. The choices are:
Out-Of-Service delay secondsThis is the number of seconds that the Out-Of-Service condition must remain in effect before it takes effect. Some car washes have their Controller Power or fault signal twitch a bit at the beginning or end of a wash. This delay allows for this without indicating that the wash is off line every time. The recommended value is 10 seconds.
Time in hold Arming Signal (or until wash becomes busy)Different car washes require that the arming signal be held for different periods of time. The two most common requirements by car washes are a two seconds pulse and “until the car enters the bay” (at which point, it becomes busy). Additionally, a timeout is required should the car never enter the bay. For a two second pulse, set this to 2.
To hold the signal until the car enters the bay, set this to 900 which is 15 minutes. (You can reach 900 either by pressing the up arrow for a while, or pressing down from 1.) The arming signal will thus be dropped after the car enters the bay or after a 15 minute timeout. Many other possible values between 1 and 900 are available. The default is 2. Time to wait for wash to beginIf the car wash does not begin (wash becomes busy) for this long, the Activa will stop waiting for the customer to enter the wash and go back to idle. The customer may loose the wash at this point. If the car wash has a timeout limiting how long it will wait after being armed, set this value to match.Setting Arming OutputsSelecting which outputs are activated when a wash package or additional service is armed is very much like any other arming system. When editing a package or additional service, the Wash Options tab displays the list of eight available Activa Direct outputs. (The last two are intended for use by the Additional Services, but that is not required.) Presently, Output 1 must be included in every wash package if wash codes from the Site Controller are being used. Nothing needs to be wired to this output. A typical car wash simply sets Output 1 and Output 2 to arm wash package #1 (with Output 2 being wired to the car wash), Output 1 and Output 3 to arm wash package #2 (with Output 3 wired to the car wash), and so on. However, any combination of outputs may be used for a single package. Setting Arming on the Site ControllerThe interface on the Site Controller is currently incomplete. It will always show the car wash as being Offline. Additionally, when setting the Wash Key Net Arming, it will show the Ryko names for the arming outputs. Simply ignore these names and all outputs above number 8, and numerically select the same arming outputs as on the Activa. Activa Direct Wiring TerminalsThe “Wash Option” arming outputs and other signals correspond to terminals on the inside back wall of the Activa as shown in the following table:
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