Bill Dispenser Maintenance

The Bill Dispensers must have routine maintenance to avoid continuous jams and to speed up the process of switching dispensers. The sensors, belts, and rollers get dirty fast and require cleaning at least once a month. Failure to perform this regular maintenance will void the warranty on the bill dispensers.

Here is what is needed for the cleaning process and what needs to be cleaned:
  1. Q Tips (lint free is a MUST)
  2. Rubbing Alcohol (DO NOT use anything else)

The dispensers will need to be removed from the dispenser tray and the technician will need to remove front cover to access the sensors. Using the Q Tip soaked in the Rubbing Alcohol, wipe all sensors. Using the dry end of the Q-Tip, wipe any access rubbing alcohol from sensors. Visually inspect for any remaining lint or dirt. Repeat as necessary.

The bands and rollers will also need to be cleaned with rubbing alcohol. A lint free rag can be used for the initial cleaning (to remove dirt, lint, and ink that comes from the dollar bills). Q tip and rubbing alcohol will be used for final cleaning of the rollers and bands.

This process will all but eliminate continuous jams and sensor errors, thus eliminate the need to replace the bill dispensers.

Installation Manual

Attached below.
