AUTEC interface with WashMax

The WashMax site controller connects with an AUTEC car wash PLC via an adapter called a PPI MultiMaster. This adapter converts the RS-485 signals used by the car wash's PLCs to RS-232. The RS-232 end may be connected directly to an Intelio Site Server, directly to the serial port or via a Serial Device Server (ex: Moxa nPort 5110).

PPI MultiMaster Switch Settings:

The PPI MultiMaster has eight dip switches on the side. Hold the device so that you can read the labels on the LED. To the left of the dip switches, on the case, it is labelled 1 on top and 0 below.
Set switch #5 up, in the direction of the 1 label on the case. Set all other switches down, in the direction of the 0 label on the case.

Configuration with a Moxa:

For a Moxa nPort 5110, use a null-modem adapter.

Moxa settings:
  • TCP Server Mode
  • Serial port settings:
    • Baud: 19200 baud
    • Parity: None
    • Data Bit: 8
    • Stop Bit: 1
    • Flow Control: None
    • UART FIFO: Enabled
Set the IP address to something that works on the network. If connected into the Site Server's Auxiliary Connection #2, the car wash's IP is typically Set this same IP in WashMax Onsite.

Configuration via COM1 Serial Port

See How to communicate to car wash through COM1 serial port.
