Intelio provides software updates to Site Servers and Activas on its network through its own system specially designed for the Intelio and Ryko products and network. The Intelio Support Scripts running on each device automatically download these updates and can install them during Windows shutdown or reboot. On the Site Server, this behavior can be monitored and controlled through the Update Manager application.
Update Manager is launched by CAW Boot and appears in the taskbar. Normally the icon is , but when an update is waiting, it changes to . Right-click on the icon to trigger a reboot, show the waiting updates, or configure update manager.
Update Processing Mode: Fully Automated is recommended, as it ensures that the Site Server always installs the latest updates on a timely basis. Updates are automatically downloaded and installed upon the next reboot, as scheduled or sooner based on the urgency of the update.
When set to Manually Initated, updates are still automatically downloaded. Rare emergency security fixes may cause an immediate reboot and install, but normally updates will not install until manually initiated by right-clicking on the Update Manager icon and selecting the reboot option. This ensures that updates are only installed when someone is ready for them, and allows for the list of updates to be reviewed. However, it's important that someone remembers to follow this procedure and initiate the install & reboot at least once a month!
When set to Offline, updates are never downloaded or installed. When selected, the customer is taking responsibility for all application and operating system updates. Using this option may break PCI compliance and void the site's support contract.
Updates Provider: Select the provider of your updates. Intelio Site Server default to Intelio, while Ryko devices default to Ryko.
Auto-Reboot Schedule: Setting a reboot schedule is highly recommended when using Fully Automated processing, as it allows for the reboots to be scheduled during a known slow period. If disabled, a reboot will typically be triggered exactly eight days after the older pending update was downloaded, which could be during a busy time of day! Setting a weekly schedule is preferred.
Intelio recommends scheduling reboot every Tuesday at 2:30:00 AM.
Warn before reboot: Before any automated reboot, whether scheduled or driven by pending updates, a warning will be displayed on the screen. This warning provides the option to delay the reboot for some time.
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